Barcelona Goals

Find The Special Guest
The special guest is Steve O on a rolling mechanical bull. Enter one of the plaza doors and walk into the middle of the room to find him.
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Free The Bull Fighter
Get some tomatoes from either of the tomato stands and throw one at the bull who is caged in the corner near the plaza. The bull will break loose and you'll get a nice cutscene. The bull fighter character is available as a skater from this point on.
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Help Peg Leg
Find the green quarter-pipe on the waters edge near the arcade machine, jump over the right hand side of it and grind on the buoy rope. Grind it around to Peg Leg's boat and you're done.
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Hit 5 Peds With Tomatoes
Grab some tomatoes from any tomato stand and run around throwing them at people until you hit 5 different people.
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Mark Your Territory
The first is high on a wall in the area left of the park, transfer up there using the quarter-pipe and walk along the planks, hang off the edge to tag it. The second is in an alley way on the other side of the building behind you. The next is on a patterned wall of Parc Guell, on the far right near the bull's cage. The fourth tag is on the library wall just before the ledge. The final one is on the station roof, use the kicker to get up on the shelter roof and jump across.
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Spine The Guell Planters
These are the big brick things that hold greenery in the park. There are 2 of these planters on the right side and one on the left, Spine-Transfer over each of them.
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Take Out The Trash
The idea here is to grind or Natas Spin on 4 trash cans. These things are littered (ha) through the level so you shouldn't have much trouble. There's one by the bull's cage, one on the corner near the other side of the park, one in the alley near there and another just before the bridge.
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Acid Drop Off A Tram
Get up onto the roof with the fan by using the ladder on the closest tower and jumping across. Wait for a tram to come near enough and launch onto it using the fan. Get off your board in mid-air before you land on the tram or you'll probably roll off. Wait until the tram is over the quarter-pipe near the fan, jump into the air and do an Acid Drop down onto it.
Watch Video (544Kb)

Catapult 720 Grab
Use the catapult by walking through the doorway of the medieval building, while in the air do any grab trick and spin around 720 degrees.
Watch Video (246Kb)

Combo The Sants Benches
Simple, just grind the benches from one end to the other, no need to jump in between just hold the grind button. The benches are near the arcade machine.
Watch Video (287Kb)

Focus Combos
You need to do 3 combos worth 2,500 points or more while in Focus. Fill your special meter first by doing some tricks.
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Rail Rated Challenge
Grind the rail next to the arcade machine, as you reach the end of the rail ollie up to the billboard and Sticker Slap it, on the way back grind the fence on the rooftop.
Watch Video (419Kb)

Tag The Big Billboard
The billboard is up on the roof where the fan is, climb up the tower ladder and jump across. Head over to the billboard, climb up the ladder and Spray it.
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Transfer Over The Guell Entrance
Head to the top of the park, on the side where the building is. Use a Spine-Transfer twice in a row down towards the entrance for huge speed, you can then transfer over the entrance easily.
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Secret Character - Bullfighter

Don't Touch The Ground
This is best done by grinding the higher beams of the bridge, beginning from the side that you start out on. Use the sloped segment on the left to get up onto the left high-beam and grind it. As you near the end ollie right onto the center beam, and again to a side beam when that runs out.
Watch Video (546Kb)

La Perdrera Spiral Rail
Go through the medieval doorway to get up onto the rooftop via the catapult. Jump up onto the next roof and grind down the rail on the inside of the building.
Watch Video (498Kb)

Make Your Own Phoenix
To do this you must have first freed the bull fighter. Set your board on fire by going near the flaming car at the end of the bridge, then enter the medieval doorway to get catapulted up to the birds.
Watch Video (446Kb)

Smells Like Bull Dung
The bull has to be loose for this one. The bull leaves behind him piles of crap. Find a pile and launch off it, in the air do any grab trick.
Watch Video (199Kb)
Special Guest - Steve O

Flip Barcelona's Finest
This is a series of 3 flips you have to do on Steve O's bull. I recommend doing the one off the library ledge first, the ledge is near the tomato box by the bridge. This part of the goal seems badly made, you can often do a flip off the ledge and it won't register. If you don't get a message try again. Next do a flip off a table over near the arcade machine. Finally head down the subway blue line, ride across the concrete wave in the floor and do a flip over the railing.
Watch Video (852Kb)

Parc Guell Combo
This bull thing handles like ass, but it does have the basics for keeping a combo going like Manual, Grinds and Revert. Be sure to stay within the park area.
Watch Video (504Kb)

Steve-O Vs The Bull
Obviously the bull has to be loose to do this one, just get up enough speed and ram into the bull. Finding the bull will be the main difficulty it has a random path around the level but it's always near the station or the plaza area.
Watch Video (197Kb)

Yee Haw Fan Boost
Get up onto the fan roof using some Spine-Transfers from the building opposite. Launch off the fan at high speed and do an Acid Drop when you're over the park.
Watch Video (938Kb)
Next level: Berlin >>>
Barcelona Goals - Classic Mode

Collect COMBO Letters
Grind the wall on your left for the C, hop right onto the fence and grind that for the O and M. Jump off into a Manual to keep the combo going and make a right. You'll see the B in the distance, when you get near Wallride up the wall and grind to collect it. Ollie off into another Manual and use the quarter-pipe to launch up and get the final O.
Watch Video (534Kb)

Get The Secret Tape
The tape is on the bridge across the water, up on a high beam. Grind on the beams that run along the side of the bridge to transfer onto the high beam in the middle and get the tape. If you get low on speed along the way do an ollie back into a grind.
Watch Video (245Kb)

Collect SKATE Letters
The S is on a bus shelter over to the left of where you start out. Grind it and head straight ahead, you'll see the K hovering over a quarter-pipe. When you come down turn slightly left, get up and grind on the wall with white and brown segments. When the gap comes jump and collect the A. Keep on going straight, avoid the subway entrance and make a right. Grind on the short ledge to your left and jump to the T. Double back and swerve around, use the segment of railing to get up onto the beam where the E is.
Watch Video (1.04MB)

Manual The Subway
Find a subway entrance and do a Manual down the slope into one of the doorways. Go up the slope on the other side and you're done. I don't think it matters which particular route you take.
Watch Video (171Kb)

Collect 5 Tapas
First get the one on the railing on the way into the area. Avoid the the fence with the stone spheres and head over to the water. Ollie over the fence and grind on the buoyline, once you have the tapas ollie off to the left and grind the fence. Ride it around the corner and jump left when you're near the building. Use the sloped planters to get up on the entrance roof and collect the tapas there. Jump down to the left and head for the pool where a tapas is hovering over one end. Launch up to get it and then leave the pool on the opposite end, use a wallride to get up onto the wall there the final tapas is.
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Grind The World's Longest Bench
The bench is up in the leafy area of the level, it's long and squiggly shaped you can't really miss it. Grind from one end to the other to complete the goal.
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Next level: Australia >>>